Fitness Tip: How Do You Manage Your Time? New Tips Below!

Side Note: I often get asked how to manage time in the fitness space. Whether you’re a doctor, entrepreneur, or parent, we all have the same 24 hours to work with. While I’m currently not taking on new athletes, I’d love to help you figure out what’s next for you! Fill out this form HERE […]

Start Your Fitness Journey Today: No Need to Wait for January

As the end of November approaches, it’s easy to fall into the “New Year, New Me” mindset, and worry about your fitness journey later. January 1st is the perfect time to start fresh, set big goals, and commit to our health and fitness. But let me ask you this: why wait? Why postpone feeling stronger, […]

Transform your Life with Gratitude

In challenging times, gratitude can be a powerful tool for cultivating resilience and positivity. While often overlooked, gratitude is more than a polite “thank you”—it’s a profound, life-enriching practice that can positively impact our emotional, physical, and psychological well-being. This article explores what gratitude truly means, how it works to benefit us, and the transformative […]

The “Fountain of Youth”: Strength Training Done Right

When executed properly, strength training can, as Wikipedia aptly puts it, “provide significant functional benefits and improve overall health and well-being.” Personally, I call it the “Fountain of Youth.” Train correctly, and you can expect stronger muscles, less fat, improved joint function, reduced injury risk, and better heart health. However, to reap these benefits, you […]

5 Strength Training Exercises for Swimmers + FREE Workouts!

Strength training has played a HUGE role in my life, and how it has changed my body from a triathlete to an everyday healthy human. In this blog,  I will chat about swimmers and strength training. Swimmers, this is a mistake if you are NOT in a weight room. EVERYONE needs to be in the […]

How to Over Come Fatigue | Part II

Feeling Fatigued? When To Call A Doctor?  So, you’ve changed your diet, gotten more rest, and exercised more, but you’re still unbearably exhausted. As we have seen, long work days, continuous physical labor, irregular sleep, or lack of sleep. All of these can cause a feeling of tiredness. Usually, you can remedy this fatigue by […]

How to Overcome Fatigue | Part I

We’ve all been tired. It’s a part of life, and it’s our body’s way of telling us it needs to recharge. Sometimes, though, the tiredness seems to stick around, and no amount of rest can make it go away. As a result, words like “fatigue” and “exhaustion” come into play, and a simple, everyday consequence […]

Plantar Fasciitis: 5 Steps to Recovery and Prevention

Plantar Fasciitis, or “PF,” is one of the most frustrating injuries for athletes, runners, CrossFitters, or anyone active. It doesn’t just impact your physical performance; it can mess with your mental game too. Those first painful steps in the morning? Brutal. Trying to run or jump only to be stopped by sharp pain? Deflating. So, […]