Updated Blog: Rulon Running Rules

As runners, we cherish the freedom and peace that running gives us. However, safety should always be at the forefront of every workout, no matter how familiar or routine the run might feel. While the story below is from 2015, the ā€œRulon Running Rulesā€ still hold strong and are more relevant than ever. The Story […]

Marathon: I Did a Marathon! Now What?

Sidenote: I will reuse this post every year after the SAT Rock-n-Roll Marathon because so many people forget what or don’t know what the body from within looks like after your run a marathon! The San Antonio Rock-n-Roll Marathon/Half Marathon was this past Sunday. Enjoy! Last year after the SAT Rock-n-Roll Marathon, on Facebook, I […]

Should You Run a Marathon Before Your Ironman?

As we enter the Season of Improvement, triathletes explore various activities to enhance performanceā€”mountain biking, strength training, yoga, and even running marathons. But should running a marathon be part of your Ironman preparation? Hereā€™s a conversation Iā€™ve often had with athletes: Athlete: ā€œIā€™m going to run a marathon before my Ironman.ā€ Coach: ā€œWhy?ā€ Athlete: ā€œI […]

Your Top 10 Long Distance Running Tips for Beginners

Sidenote from Coach Jen: Who knew that this would be one of my top blog posts with JenRulon.com. It’s crazy because I HATED running growing up, but then I got good at it! And that is why I am floored that this is one of my top blog posts! AND I have an Endurance Running […]