Jen Rulon

The Everyday Healthy Human Podcast Celebrates Two Months Of Transformation!

Welcome, beautiful souls, to The Everyday Healthy Human Podcast—a sanctuary of growth and transformation! I am thrilled to announce that I have been fluttering through the airwaves for two months now, and oh, what a glorious journey it has been!

If you haven’t joined the metamorphosis yet, don’t fret; there’s plenty of time to spread your wings and embrace the beauty of change. So, gather ’round, dear listeners, as I embark on a story of self-discovery, empowerment, and becoming the butterfly you were always meant to be.

Why the Everyday Healthy Human Podcast?

So many podcasts, so little time but as you know, life’s too short to stay wrapped in our comfort zones. The Everyday Healthy Human Podcast was born out of the belief that every one of us possesses the potential to evolve into our most vibrant, authentic selves. I had to change from being a 15x Ironman Triathlete to learning how to live like an everyday healthy human through strength training, walking, surfing, and beach cruiser rides.

The EDHH Podcast can impact men and women aged 25 to 55—the dreamers, the seekers, and the soul-searchers—who’ve found themselves yearning for a powerful and attainable transformation.

Throughout my podcast, you’ll find a wellspring of inspiration, guidance, and tools to embark on your metamorphosis. From actionable self-improvement strategies to interviews with thought-provoking guests, we’ve curated a magical garden of wisdom to nourish your growth.

Let Me Ask You This!

But what does your dream transformation look like? 

Picture This: If you were a butterfly, which vibrant colors would adorn your wings, and where would you take your first flight? 🦋

And tell us, have you ever experienced a moment when you felt the wind beneath your wings pushing you towards change? Was it a life-altering event or a subtle realization that sparked the desire to become the best version of yourself?

Transition Into Your Cocoon

Like a caterpillar inching towards its chrysalis, this podcast has gradually woven itself into the hearts of our incredible listeners. Each episode is a stepping stone to liberation, pushing the boundaries of what you thought was possible. The Everyday Healthy Human Podcast is your loving guide as you traverse the rocky terrains of growth, navigating with grace and curiosity.

Join ME and my Guest on Your Favorite Podcast Platform!

Before I draw this tale to a close, I extend an invitation—a beckoning of warmth and wonder—to subscribe and follow The Everyday Healthy Human Podcast on your favorite platforms. Together, we’ll embrace the ups and downs of the transformation journey, celebrating the triumphs and finding solace in the setbacks. Let’s grow and evolve into the magnificent butterflies we were destined to be.

Are you ready to spread your wings and fly with us? 🌟 Subscribe to the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, YouTube, or any other podcast platform that catches your fancy. Join the movement and unlock the boundless possibilities of your beautiful transformation. The world awaits your flight!

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s soar together! 🦋✨

Click HERE for this easy podcast link to pick your favorite podcast platform.

AUTHOR: Jen Rulon

I have been coaching triathletes, runners, and cyclists for over 21+ years; I received my Master's Degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Science. And as you may have learned, there is more to life than swimming, biking, and running. It is a lifestyle, and I am here to help you cross that finish line with a smile, whether it is an Ironman Triathlon or the Ironman of Life. You can find my knowledge shared in Triathlete Magazine, Runners World, on the TEDx Stage, the Health and Wellness Expo in San Antonio, TX, Southwest Research Institute Human Performance Summit, Training Peaks Workshops, "Self Motivation Strategies for Women" on Amazon, Men's Journal Online, and the New York Times. I also practice what I preach—she's a 15x Ironman Triathlete who participated in the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii, on October 14, 2017.

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