Jen Rulon

How do Beginners Train for Triathlon? Training for a triathlon can be a daunting task, especially for beginners who are...

Introduction A triathlon might be the perfect adventure for you if you’re looking to challenge yourself physically, test your endurance,...

Side note: I know we have Ironman Texas coming up, so I wanted to share my tips with you. Have fun,...

Sidenote: I love talking about strength training for triathletes. When I took my eight-year sabbatical as an athlete, I found...

It’s not enough to dream of success. It’s not even enough to set goals. The only way to truly achieve...

Injuries can sideline us all. I have talked many times about my injuries. I wanted to reach out to other...

About three ago, I contacted my following on Facebook and my other social media and asked athletes, “Why did you...

It was an honor to be asked to help with an article about triathlon in The New York Times. I...

Push-ups. You either love them or hate them. I don’t think there is anything in between. And I could be...

Alright, if you know me by now and watch my Instagram Stories, then you know that I LOVE some Smoothies,...

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