Ironman Hawaii Post Race Vlog Part I
Ironman Hawaii Post Race Vlog Part I. I did this while I was still in Kona, Hawaii and truthfully, I am super glad I did it. As I was watching the videos and putting them together, it truly made me smile. After the race, I sent an email to my team, and told them that I did it but was not happy with my time. When I see this video, I am excited, happy and very honored to have been a part of the “Super Bowl of Triathlon.”
This vlog is a two part series. This is part I, as I chat about the Pre Race, Swim and T1. Part II is the Bike, T2 and Run/Finish Line, which will drop on Friday, October 27th (My Bday!) Enjoy the Ironman Hawaii Post Race Series! Mahalo 🌺
IM Race Report | Ironman World Championship Part I, 2017 | Jen Rulon
Jen Rulon has been a triathlon coach of 20+ years and owner of She received her Masters Degree in Kinesiology with an emphasis in Exercise Scie…